All captains and players are expected to read and understand the League Rules and policies for the league they are participating in. Any questions or concerns regarding the rules or league policies should be brought to the attention of the league coordinator and/or the SportsLink office by emailing us at office@sportlinkus.com

Additional rules and policies may be added or amended by SportsLink before or during the season.




SportsLink invites all adults (18+) with an active membership (SL Passport) to participate in our leagues. 

Regardless of your race, color, sex, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, we invite you to come out and play with us!




All players in SportsLink leagues and tournaments will need an active SL Passport to participate. 

Occasionally, SportsLink will offer a Day Pass, Guest Pass, or Season Pass for certain activities. Otherwise, players must purchase an annual pass.


SportsLink only accepts registrations via our website. Registrations will not be taken over the phone, via email, or on the field.


  • A $75 deposit is required at the time of registration. Teams will not be added to the league without paying this deposit.
  • Registrations are accepted on a first come basis, and your spot is only secure once the deposit has been paid.
  • Deposits are non-refundable within 7 days of league start.


  • You will be contacted via email or phone call to confirm that we have received your registration form and instructions to log into our online system to process the remainder of your TEAM Payment.
  • The team’s full balance is due by your 1st game of the season. Team Balances can be paid online via DaySmart.
  • All players must also have a valid SportsLink Player’s Card to play in our leagues.
Captains can register for a desired competition level, but our staff has the right to move a team to a different level based on roster, prior seasons, score of 1st/2nd game, etc. We will notify you via email if we change your competition level. *

This is to keep games competitive and hopefully minimize lopsided results.  If your team is moved divisions, but your team doesn’t want to play anymore, deposits are still non-refundable. Sign up for the correct division!

*Some seasons, we combine divisions based on registrations.


STRICTLY ENFORCED, whether a new customer or someone who has played with SportsLink for years:

  • Teams whose balances are not paid by the 2nd game will not be allowed to play, and a forfeit will be issued for that game. More than 2 forfeits will drop your team from the league.
  • Teams who have still not paid by the 4th game, will be dropped from the league and all players will be suspended from any SportsLink leagues until the team balance is paid. Just because someone paid doesn’t mean that they aren’t suspended.

INDIVIDUAL Registrations will be added to our Waiting List for this League. If we are able to place you on a “House” Team or an Existing Team, you will receive an Email or Phone Call with instructions to log into our online system to process your INDIVIDUAL payment.

House team payment is contingent on the number of individuals who register for each night. Some leagues may not have enough individual signups to form a team. In this case, we will try to place you on a team that needs players.

House teams usually play in the lowest division of the league.

All players must have a valid SportsLink Passport to play in our leagues, unless otherwise noted.


All schedules and standings are available on DaySmart, our league management system.

The first week’s schedule should be posted online no later than 5 days before the first game. 

The remaining schedule for the season will be posted online after the first or second week of games are completed. 

Playoff brackets and other information regarding your League will be posted on our website.


Each team will play 7 regular season games (not necessarily 7 weeks because of double-headers) and 1-2 weeks of playoffs for most leagues (unless otherwise noted). 

All regular season games will start and end on time. Some leagues will have a 10 minute warm-up/grace period time, but clock will start at schedule time and all games will end on time.

Once a team has the minimum number of players to play, the staff may ask them to start the game in order to avoid the opponent losing minutes from the game time.


All schedule requests must be submitted in writing, either via email or with the team registration (“Notes” section). 

Only requests submitted by the CAPTAIN by the registration deadline will be looked at.  Requests submitted on time and via email will be taken into consideration, but not all requests are possible. 

For non-captains playing on multiple teams on the same night, some of your games could overlap. 

The more requests put in for a team, the less likely we can work around all of them.

Requests for 2 coed teams or 2 single-gender teams will not be taken.  i.e If you play on an Intermediate Coed Flag Football team and a Rec Coed Flag Football team, your games will more than likely overlap.

We can only accommodate conflicts between a coed team and a single-gender team if it is the same level (i.e. a Coed Comp and Men’s Comp).

Time requests are usually not considered.  The majority of teams don’t want the earliest or latest game.  We try to be fair when making the regular season schedule and spread those games out amongst all teams.

There are NO requests for playoffs.

SportsLink will not hold games on the following days:
  • Christmas Eve through New Year’s Day
  • Easter weekend
  • Memorial Day and weekend
  • July 4th
  • Labor Day and weekend
  • Thanksgiving: Wednesday through Sunday

Holidays in which Guest Passes won’t count against your 5 allotted for the season:

  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  • President's Day
  • Mother’s Day
  • Father’s Day
  • Juneteenth
  • Columbus Day
  • Veterans Day
  • Halloween

If you observe another holiday that falls when we are holding games and your team is unable to play, please submit a schedule request when you register and we will do our best to accommodate you. Once the schedule is made, games are unlikely to be rescheduled.



If you know in advance your team is going to forfeit a game, we request you call our office in order to help us make arrangements to schedule a game for your opponent.

More than two forfeits will result in elimination from end of season playoffs and it will be at the discretion of the director to let your team play the remaining regular season games. In order for a team to receive a “Win” by the opposing team’s “Forfeit”, the team must show and provide enough players to field a team.

A forfeited game is scored as 1-0 (volleyball), 3-0 (soccer) and 7-0 (all other sports).

A team must field half the players required for a full squad (not just the minimum amount required to play) from their roster or from players who don’t participate in the same division (i.e. A 10-person “”B” Softball team must have 5 players on the field from their roster or from a C team).

If a team can’t field half the players on the field from their roster or from non-divisional players, they will forfeit. In the case that neither team show, a double forfeit will be posted.

For rec teams, fielding 5 B players not on your roster is considered stacking your team and is not allowed.  This will result in a forfeit as well.

A forfeit in Pickleball will result in a 1-0 game.


All eligible teams (teams that have not abused any rules/policies/balance cleared) will advance to either an end of season playoff or consolation game(s).  Playoffs are single elimination. 

Only players that are listed on team roster and have actually played in ONE regular season game ('E' next to their name) will be eligible to play in the playoffs. To be eligible for playoffs, players MUST have an 'E' by their name on the roster.

All players must have their ID present with them during all playoff games. At the discretion of the coordinator, or at the request of either team captain, both teams will have their IDs checked prior to the start of the game.

It is the captain’s responsibility to make sure that the roster is correct BEFORE playoffs start. Each week, players should be checking in with the coordinator to make sure they are marked down as playing that week. The player/captain’s failure to do this may result in players not being playoff eligible. Any roster issues must be sent into the office by 12PM on the day of a playoff game.


The SportsLink league standings are calculated using each team’s winning percentage. (Total wins divided by total games played per team. 

Ties are a 1/2 win and 1/2 loss). The order the teams appear on our online program may not necessarily be the exact order your team is in the standings.

Each team’s final standings will be posted on the Playoff Brackets on your league’s information page. If one or more teams are tied in the standings at the end of the regular season, the following “tie breaker” rules will be followed to determine your playoff seeding.

  • Excessive forfeits, ejections, suspensions, penalty cards, will be looked at first.
  • The head to head match between the teams that are tied will be looked at second.
  • The total points/scores your team allowed against you will be looked at third.
  • We will flip a coin if all the above are still a tie!

SportLink will award the winning team in each league the choice of a Championship T-Shirt for each player (max of 15) or a credit towards your team fee for the NEXT season.  

We will contact teams once the prizes are available for pick up.  Occasionally we can deliver shirts to the field.

Additional Champ Credits:

  • Competitive (A) Tournament Champs – FREE TEAM for future season (MUST HAVE AT LEAST 5 COMPETITIVE TEAMS FOR THIS TO HAPPEN)
  • Intermediate (B) Tournament Champs -$200 off team fee for future season. VB – $100 off Upper Int only, not Intermediate ($50 for 2v2 VB). Must have at least 5 teams in this division.
  • For A and B divisions champ credit:  Top 6-10 teams for larger divisions will advance to playoffs for the bigger champ credit.   Rest of teams in that division are eligible for the standard champ prize if they win the consolation bracket.
  • Consolation bracket winners of A or B division aren’t eligible for the larger champ prize!

SportsLink requires a signed Liability Waiver from each participant before they will be allowed to participate in any SportsLink, LLC, activity. The Participation Waiver can be filled out and submitted on DaySmart or at your next League Game.

All players must have a valid SportsLink Passport to play in our leagues unless otherwise noted.

All player’s names must be on the team roster form before they will be allowed to play. It is the captain’s responsibility to make sure all player’s names are on the team roster form before they play. Players found playing in a game and not on the team’s roster, not properly checked in (see “sub” and “guest” players below), or considered ineligible, will cause the team to forfeit that game and all previous games he/she has played in. The league coordinator will be spot-checking the rosters each week during the season.

Any team that does not take the field with at least half of the players on the field being from their roster or non-league players, will end up forfeiting the game. (i.e.. a Saturday Flag Football team must take the field with at least 4 of the 7 players being comprised from their own roster and/or not from another Saturday Flag Football team.)

New players can be added to the roster at any time during the regular season, but only players on the team roster BY the last regular season game, who have played at least one regular season game, will be eligible to play in the playoffs.  Teams who add players of higher skill level after a season begins, may either be denied the addition of that player, or moved up in division. No “pick-up” players will be allowed for any playoff games. There is no limit to the number of players you can have on your team roster, but there is a limit to the number of league prizes that will be awarded if your team wins the league.  Eligible players will have an “E” by their name on the roster.

A player cannot be on more than one roster in the same division. A player must specify which team is their primary team and be removed from any other rosters in the same division. In the event of any question, the first team they played with during the season will be considered their primary team and any subsequent games where the player is not properly approved to play, will be subject to forfeit.


A “sub” player is a player who substitutes from another team at the fields on game day. That player needs to be checked in with the coordinator, and they need to have an active SL Passport.

If that player is on another roster in the same division, or on a higher division roster, they must receive approval from both the coordinator AND opposing captain to play.

“Sub” players are not added to a roster permanently, unless specified from the captain to do so. Players on another roster in the same division will not be added regardless.

There is no limit on the number of subs that may be used during the regular season.


A “guest” player is a player not possessing a valid SL Passport who is looking to play with a team for a specific game.

The player will use a guest pass to participate.

Guest passes are PER GAME and each team is provided five guest passes to use during the season.

That person may or may not already be on the team’s roster. A “guest” player not already on a roster will not be added to a roster permanently, unless specified from the captain to do so.

Players on another roster in the same division will not be added regardless.


An eligible player is one who is on the team roster, has a signed waiver on file with SportsLink, is not on any other roster for another team in the same league, not listed on any “restricted” or “suspended” list, has a valid SL Passport, and one who follows the rules of the league.

Players who have subbed for the team during the season and are not on another roster in the division are eligible as well.

For B and C teams, the player cannot be on a roster in the levels above your division without getting approval from the other team. The player must be listed on the team’s Sub list.


There are two types of protests: Rule interpretation and player eligibility. Judgement calls may never be protested.

Protests of rule interpretation must be made immediately, before the ball next becomes live, by being brought to the coordinator or official on-site. Once the subsequent play becomes live, rule interpretation may not be protested.

Protests of player eligibility may be made at any time prior to the next scheduled game.

All protests will be handled by the office within one week if they are not handled on-site.


The primary focus of any of the sports leagues sponsored by the SportsLink is fun. Please keep this in mind even when competition becomes intense. Any unacceptable behavior may result in suspension and/or ejection from a game or the league.

Fighting of any kind will result in immediate ejection from the game and premises and subject to a minimum one year suspension from all SportsLink leagues and events. If a player is ejected, the team is not allowed to replace that player during that game.

One ejection will result in a ONE WEEK suspension from ALL SportsLink games. Example: You get suspended on a Monday game; you will not be allowed to play in any games until the NEXT Tuesday. If any player receives TWO ejections during their history with SportsLink, that player is suspended for a minimum of ONE SEASON (3 months). In any instance where a player receives a THIRD ejection, they will be PERMANENTLY banned from all SportsLink leagues and events.  Leaving the field in an untimely and unruly manner will result in the suspension being lengthened.  Suspended Players are not allowed at the field until the suspension has been fully served.

SportsLink honors and shares lengthy suspensions with other local sports organizations (i.e. Sports Connection).  If you are suspended, we will not issue any refund for games or Player’s Card time missed due to suspension.

Staff has the right to end a game due to persistent unruly/unsportsmanlike behavior of players or spectators.  These games will not be made up nor will a refund be issued.

SportsLink has the right to ask players AND spectators to leave the premises for the remainder of the game/night if unsportsmanlike behavior persists.  Failure to cooperate with officials may result in a longer suspension or lifetime ban, or assistance from the police to remove the person(s).

Teams – If your teammate or fan is becoming unruly, please handle this as best as possible in order to avoid further disciplinary action.  You are responsible for your fans.

SportsLink Staff has the right to remove any player or spectator for:

  • Unsportsmanlike conduct
  • Not playing in the spirit of the game
  • Endangering opponents or themselves by actions on or off field
  • Faulty/illegal equipment
  • Inebriation

Mecklenburg County Parks and Rec (who we rent the majority of fields from), has their own set of rules which we and all SportsLink Members and guests must abide by.

Failure to do so will result in your and/or your team’s removal from the field, forfeiture of game, and possibly a suspension from all leagues.  

ALCOHOL:  Alcohol is not allowed at any field or park.  If you are seen with alcohol or we suspect alcohol usage/inebriation, you will be removed from the fields and further disciplinary action will be taken.

DOGS:  Dogs are not allowed on the fields or within the fences of the fields, whether on a leash or not.  We will ask you and your pet to leave the field immediately.

TRASH:  Please pick up after yourself.   Parks and Rec levies fines for people who leave trash at the fields. Help us and your fellow patrons keep the field clean and pick up whatever you bring with you.


SportsLink will provide a league coordinator for most leagues.  The league coordinator is available to help the league run smoothly and to answer any questions you may have.

Please feel free to ask for their assistance or email us at office@sportslinkus.com.

Officials will be provided for most games. Volleyball and all Social Sports will not have an official, just a coordinator. Other sports have at least 1, possibly 2 officials, depending on the situation.


For Rainout information, refer to the umbrella icon at the top of our website, or call us at 704-499-9160.

SportsLink will post all rainout information on our website and rainout hotline (704-499-9160) by 4:30 pm for weekday leagues, 9 am for Saturday leagues, and 12:30 for Sunday leagues.

Outside organizations such as Parks & Recreation make the initial decision to close parks based on field conditions. We will only cancel games for unsafe field conditions or thunder/lightning, not simply for the threat of weather or temperature.

For games that are rained out, SportsLink will move them to later in the season. If it is not possible to fit a game in the schedule, we will issue the teams a credit for a future season for each 1 of the 7 games not played. If it is an extra 8th or 9th game, no credit will be issued.

Always check DaySmart 2-4 days after a rainout to see when your game will be made up.


When the flash-to-bang count reaches 30 seconds (which means lightning struck 6 miles away), we will stop play immediately & clear the fields. Most cloud-to-ground flashes are within 5-6 miles of the previous flash.

When SportsLink staff has made the decision to clear the fields, all players should promptly seek shelter in a car. If no car is available, a permanent enclosed shelter is a safe option. Covered, but open, structures are not safe.

In situations of LIGHTNING and UNSAFE/UNPLAYABLE FIELD CONDITIONS, play will be suspended for a minimum of 15 minutes and resumed after 15 minutes ONLY if lightning strikes are greater than 6 miles away and fields are suitable for play.

If play cannot be resumed after 15 minutes, we will CANCEL THAT GAME and attempt to resume play with the next scheduled game.

The canceled game’s result will stand if half the contest has been played, otherwise we will attempt to make up the game in full.

In the event we cannot reschedule games, we will issue credits that can be used toward future leagues.